Do You Know the #1 All Time Biggest Reason You Don't Sell Nearly As Many of Your
Products As You Could Be?
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It's quite possibly that, well, your copywriting talents aren't too good, need a little work, are sort of bad,
Wow. Did I just say that?
But you know what? It's not your fault!
A lot of marketers just don't know that their skills
at copwriting can be improved dramatically!
I Can Teach You How To Fix That - STARTING RIGHT NOW!
Discover the TESTED and PROVEN secrets, techniques and formulas to easily writing copy that will have people almost hypnotized into clicking the "Buy Now" button.
Has this ever happened to you? Think about this for just a minute.
You have a product or service to offer. You've spent a lot of time, effort and money researching your topic, creating slick 3-D graphics, the sales page (with perhaps videos and "oooh! ahhh!" animated doodles sketches!) and cool "Buy" buttons. You've sent emails to your list (or had others promote your product for you as affiliates). You've posted links to your sales page on social media.
You launch your product and wait for the sales to start rolling in. But, guess what? In the end you have very few sales. Why?
Perhaps you didn't spend enough time finding out if customers would even be interested in the subject matter of your offering. Perhaps the price point was perceived as too high.
That happens all of the time.
But, as I mentioned above, the biggest reason people don't buy is the sales copy does not do it's job with pulling the customer in.
Here's another observation. I'm sure you (just like me) get a ton of emails every day from marketers selling new marketing tools and technologies. I've bought a lot of them. Many of them are fantastic and can help you grow your online business.
Let's say you buy a "doodle" drawing program, a webinar product, a screen capture/video editing software package, a 10,000 images and 500 videos membership, a "getting traffic" product and on and on. You now potentially have an arsenal of items that can really skyrocket your business.
But if you cannot write or create great copy to leverage these technologies as you implement them to build a customer list or make sales, WHAT GOOD ARE THEY?
Again, everything comes down to the words you use in whatever avenues you have to promote your product or service. And that simply means you must know how to write compelling copy that sells. Period.
And that's the very reason I've created the kick-butt
Copywriting Warrior
Resource Library Series

Hi. My name is Lee Cornell. I've been selling information products and making money online for over 20 years. I created my first website in 1997, selling to a very small niche that I was very passionate about. I sold a video that taught people how to become a...ventriloquist! (seriously?...are you kidding me? Nope) That web site has continued to make me money over all these years.
At the same time I launched my first website, eBay was just starting, so I also began selling my video and many other information products on that new platform when it was in it's infancy.
I've learned a lot from the greats in the history of marketing. Dan Kennedy, Bill Glazer, Joe Karbo, Gary Halbert, Jay Abraham, Tom Hopkins, Yanik Silver and many others. And, I also developed many of my own techniques over the years through trial and error.
And let me be clear. Some of these names have been around for a long time. That proves a point. Good copywriting techniques are timeless. The same reasons that people purchased a product or service 50 years ago are exactly the same reasons they will purchase today.
Here are a couple of other examples of my products.
I've had a huge interest in the Public Domain for years, so I created a course to teach others how to make money from the millions of pages of public domain books, videos, maps, films, music and more. All free to use.
And this year, I revisited my ventriloquism course and updated it to a membership website.
You can click the images above to see the sales pages and copy that I've written.
I've made good money with all of the information products I've sold online.
And what's really cool about info products and selling them online is that if you choose the right niche, you can create the product once, and then on autopilot, sell it for years and years.
If you can't write great copy, you will not sell much of anything. It's that simple.
But you say, "copywriting is hard work, right"?
The truth about writing great copy
Writing copy that actually pulls customers in is not as hard to do as you might think. There are many time tested and verified methods that have been proven to work - EVERY TIME they are used.
And once you know these secrets that the most successful marketers have used over the years, you will see a dramatic increase in the number of sales you make of your product.
There is, however, one very important thing you need to have going for you. You MUST have a good product to sell.
I can teach you all about writing amazing copy, but if your product doesn't cut it, you might sell a lot - ONCE. You'll end up giving refunds, losing your customers, your credibility and perhaps even your online business.
Why I'm qualified to teach you how to write copy
As I briefly mentioned above, I've been online selling information products and making money for over 20 years.
My degree is in journalism, writing and communications. But having those credentials did not make me a good copywriter. I've spent decades honing my skills and learning from the best marketers - past and present - and coming up with my own ideas as well.
To be honest, when I first started online, I wasn't very good at writing a good sales page. I didn't know what I needed to say to get potential customers to purchase my products. Maybe you're struggling with that as well.
But once I started implementing the techniques I'll show you in Copywriting Warrior, it became very easy to consistently write in a style that had customers reaching for their credit cards.
Here are a couple of free tips. Don't focus on features of your product. Instead, write about how what you have to offer will benefit your buyers. You'll learn the easiest and best ways to do that, almost automatically!
I see this all of the time. I'll get a link to check out a sales page and all it talks about are features of what the product does. Big mistake. It says nothing about how it will benefit me (allow me to make more money, give me more free time, make me an expert, etc).
Over 20 years online has also taught me what works and what doesn't when writing copy. I hate to say this, but I actually see sales pages from "gurus" who are doing very well on the internet and can easily recognize how their copy could have been written better and impacted their total sales.
I go over all of these pitfalls and mistakes which hurt sales in my Copywriting Warrior content.
I have purposely written this page without a lot of glitz, bells, whistles and laser lights (well, except this one image - satisfied?) to get you to focus on the copy.
A little proof of my copywriting abilities and making money
Please note, I'm not showing the following items to impress you, but to impress upon you that I feel confident I can help you make a lot more sales by teaching you how to write more seductive copy.
I was a featured as a case study in marketing expert
Yanik Silver's "Moonlighting on the Internet" book
Yanik Silver is one the most successful offline and online marketers today - and he has been for over 20 years. Look him up. My "Ventriloquism 101" site was featured in Chapter 3 of his book in the "Selling Information Products" section.

My copywriting was also used as another example at a live
multi-day boot camp workshop hosted by long time marketer Dave Dee
Dave Dee has become an extremely successful online marketer. He was a top student and worked closely with the legendary Dan Kennedy. Dave asked me to provide some of my copy to give to the attendees of the bootcamp.

And here are a few screen shots of some of my sales of my products

My many years online writing killer copy can now benefit you!
I have spent many years writing sales copy that reels in buyers. In addition, I have reviewed, made suggestions and edited a lot of copy of other marketers to help them realize the full potential of what they are selling.
I have created here, with the Copywriting Warrior resources, what I feel are the very best methods today to help you reach a whole new level of sales online.
Here are what students have to say about my training
Bram van Oostenbrugge - Stellendam, the Netherlands
I really want to thank you for this awesome course. You can get a lot of items, which help you learn, but this one is by far the best one that I've encountered. And I want to recommend this course to everyone who wants to learn. Even if English is your second or third language, this course is something you want to have!"
Matthew Bobby, Westland, MI
THANK YOU so much. I just received my course today and at a quick glance I can tell the money I spent was well worth it. You have a great product and sell it at a fair price."
"Hello Lee,
Gary Lenon, Hershey, MI
I have purchased a couple of other training video and audio courses, but yours is so much better that I was caught by surprise! I've learned more already from your program than the others put together! A very professional presentation!"
"Hi Lee,
Peter Suslock, Stamford, CT
Just a quick note to tell you how absolutely delighted I am with your course! Your easy going style and heartfelt support are a pleasure, and buying your course is one the absolute best investments I've made. Lee, if you're ever available for private coaching I hope you'll let me know. Once again kudos on a magnificent course!"
Dick Barry, San Clemente, CA
I received your video course. I can't thank you enough. Your training program is truthfully the BEST. The information, presentation and the production quality was OUTSTANDING. I would recommend it above any other videos I've seen or books on the subject I have read."
"Hi Lee,
David Barbara, Columbus, OH
You are really an EXCELLENT teacher. I am absolutely fascinated by what I have learned from you just so far."
"Hi Lee,
Dr. John F. Gay, Toledo, OH
Many thanks for the video and pdf book. Your video is quite good and the accompanying book is well written, clear and succinct...a great help. I also have the (...another video on the subject...) purchased over a year ago, and, while it's training was adequate, yours is much better and more detailed. Thanks again.
I ordered your video and received it a few weeks ago. Since then I have watched it four times! It is great! Thank you!
John E. Scoates, Orange Park, FL
"Hi Lee,
Russell Myer, Red Bluff, CA
I have watched your video training twice already and read the pdf book. Well done! This stimulates me to proceed with my studies! I will be reviewing the materials for inspiration. I would recommend your training to anyone.
Hi Lee,
Dan Buchholz, Milwaukee, WI
Daniel Buchholz here in Wisconsin and I've been remiss in thanking you for your course, so THANK YOU!
I recently received my order and I love the contents. I'm also on your list to receive your newsletter and I have to say you have been a huge, huge help! I hope to shake your hand and thank you personally someday. Thanks again.
Hello Lee,
Thomas Schwartz, Tulsa, OK
I received your course today. Great stuff! Thanks for making this wonderful teaching available.
I purchased The Copywriting Warrior Resource Library and think it is really well done and full of value.
Dan Franklin
I recommend it to anyone who either wants to learn to write good copy or just wants to learn the ways that others have turned them in to buyers.
I purchased your new Copywriting product and have been delving in to it the last couple of days. I don’t think I’m a very good writer nor am I a very creative person. I have TONS of struggles trying to come up with a subject to write about. However, through your Copywriting materials I think I see a very dim light at the end of the tunnel (Hopefully it’s not a train coming at me!!!! HAHAHA). No seriously, I think I am finally on the right path to get me from point A (living paycheck to paycheck) to point B (where I have freedom of my time, etc.).
Shelley Benton
Thanks Lee for putting that product into place and I’m going to enjoy it.
Here are just a few of the many topics covered in this
comprehensive library on the art of Copywriting
- How to grab the reader's attention from the very start and make a ton more sales
- Long form vs. Short form copy and when you should use them
- Writing the absolute best money making headlines
- Writing in a "style" that makes it easy for your prospects to be drawn in
- Benefits, features and offers
- Stopping perceived objections before they start
- Writing a first draft
- Who should your target audience be? It's NOT everyone!
- The secret of "dual steam" copywriting and how it will really increase sales
- What contact information do you really need on your sales pages?
- The "If/Then" copywriting method
- How to add bonuses that truly add value
- How long should your sale price offer last?
- Do you REALLY need a guarantee?
- The single biggest thing you can do in your copy that will make the sale
- USP vs. ESP
- What are "swipe files" and when should you use them?
- Using a P.S. in your sales copy
- How to focus on the right things in your copywriting
- Emotional triggers and how to use them in your copy
- Copywriting for maximum search engine optimization
- How long should your sales letter be?
Here's exactly what you'll receive when you invest in the
Copywriting Warrior Resource Library Series

Copywriting Ninja - How to write words that sell!
This is my all time best selling course on writing great copy. It's not a big book, but it's packed with meat complied from my 20+ years online. Topics include:
- The differences between people who call themselves "copywriters"
- Long form vs. short form copywriting and when to use them
- The easiest way to write fantastic headlines (do this the wrong way and kiss sales goodbye)
- Who is your target audience? Really?
- Dual stream copywriting and how it will increase sales by up to 50%
- Do you really need to add bonuses to your front end product?
- Guarantees? Necessary or not?
- The biggest secret to closing the sale
- How long should you keep your offer running?
- and more!
Copywriting Ninja Video
This companion video expands of the terrific content in the Copywriting Ninja book.

The Copywriters Handbook
This knockout 32 page book covers these topics and more!
- Why it's harder to sell online than it is offline, and how to correct that with great copy
- Where online do you need to write excellent copy?
- What's the best copywriting style?
- Split testing. What it is and how to use it
- Great headline examples
- USP vs. ESP - what's the difference and when do you use them in your copy?
- Copywriting for different niches
- When to use testimonials
- The biggest copywriting mistakes to avoid
Copywriting Crackdown
Even more amazing copywriting content! Here's what you'll learn:
- Copywriting defined
- Why it's imperative to learn how to write good copy
- More headline examples (have I mentioned how important a good headline is)?
- Adding credibility in your copywriting. Why should people believe and trust what you are saying?
- How telling a story (the right way) will really add to your sales totals
- The secret of mentioning a "discovery" in your copywriting
- How to prove your product will do what you say it will
- When and how to make your offer
- Connecting psychologically with your readers

Copywriting Genius eBook
The tips, tricks and secrets just keep on coming!
- Where should your focus be when writing copy?
- Selling to emotions
- How adding a photo and/or images to your copy will add sales
- Endorsements in your sales copy
- More examples of great USP's
- What kinds of fonts and colors are best to use?
- The "telling" and "selling" method of copywriting
- The Attention, Interest, Desire and Action (AIDA) method of copywriting
- Takeaway selling - what it is and how to use it the right way
Copywriting Influence - Includes Checklist, Resource Cheatsheet and Mindmap
This in-depth book covers many other techniques to make you a master at copywriting.
- Using copywriting to make you and your product stand out from everyone else selling in your niche
- How to use the promise of gain and the fear of loss in your copy
- Using the SEVEN emotional hooks when writing copy
- How to make sure readers finish reading your sales page
- Making offers a customer won't be able to refuse
- The power of the words you use
- When to use sub-headlines
- How to get rid of your competion
- Building value as your readers move through your copy
- Pricing your product
- A fantastic lesson in SEO and copywriting
- Questions you need to answer when writing copy
- How to continually get better at copywriting
- and tons more

Review of Any One of Your Products Sales Pages By Me
To feel more comfortable with your first pass at using some of these techniques in your copywriting, you might like to have an experienced writer look "over your shoulder" to provide a bit of guidance and some personalized tips. You're in luck! I know a guy...8-).
I will personally review any one of your sales pages or letters and consult with you on what might make your copy stronger and ultimately generate more sales for you!

I know sometimes it's easy to get distracted when you are growing your information marketing business. That's why I always include some of my best motivational resources as BONUSES to help you stay on track as you reach for success online. Here are two of my biggest sellers. I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to use this information to easily stay focused and not become a statistic. These bonuses are worth the price of admission.

Fast Action Success and Prosperity System Audio Course with Planning Worksheets
This audio program, narrated by me, is my all time favorite and best selling system for achieving success. This is a real life, practical, no nonsense program that WILL get you motivated towards reaching your dreams. Not because the program is a pump-you-up, cheerleader pep talk type of program.
You'll be motivated because of the results you'll see in a very short amount of time.
You've probably heard that "knowledge is power." I don't agree. Knowledge is power ONLY when you take action! It may be hard to believe, but you actually have to do something with what you learn.
This course combines fundamental, researched principles of success. And I mean "fundamental" using the definition of unchangeable and proven to work. Every time.
The E-Entreprenuer Success Mindset
This detailed book will keep you focused on your goal of being successful in your online business. Use the material and watch the results.
- Why do so many internet businesses fail?
- Wrong perceptions about running an internet business
- How your attitude affects everything you try to accomplish online
- How you can AVOID joining the failing masses of online entrepreneurs
- The real keys to being successful online
- Recognizing and using leverage to build your online brand
- Finding a true and capable mentor
- The secrets to continuous growth and expansion in your business
- Getting out of your comfort zone
- much more!

Get started right NOW!
And you'll be on your way to being able to easily write - almost at will - copy that will deliver more sales results than you ever thought possible!
This is a complete course in copywriting. There is NO UPSELL!
I'll probably get raked over hot coals for this by my mentor. But, I'm a rebel and like to live on the edge. You can't stop me.
Look, I get it. Many times you read a sales page about a product, click the "Buy" button and then you are offered several upsells you'll have to decide to either purchase or decline.
Don't get me wrong. I believe upsells have their place and I've used them often with other products I've sold.
However, sometimes I think when there are 14 upsells, you purchase because of all you are getting and it sounds like a fantastic deal. But then, you are overwhelmed with all of the add-ons and you end up never doing anything with the main product or any of the extras (downloading all of the upsell items, or signing up for things that might only be accessible as an online product).
With the Copywriting Warrior Resource Library, I wanted to provide you everything you need to become a deadly copywriter for a single price. Without adding a lot of other things that may take your focus off of going through the materials.
Use just one idea from the resource library (a headline tweak, a writing element, a font style) to make a single sale of your product, and you've covered the minimal investment for the Copywriting Warrior.
Or, have dinner at McDonalds instead of your favorite steakhouse once, and cover the cost of something that can literally make you a LOT more money AND literally change your life.
Order with confidence! You will NOT be redirected to any upsell pages once you purchase.
I just ask you consider investing in other products I release in the future that might be of interest to you. How fair is that?
But please note - when you purchase the Copywriting Warrior Resource Library, it is not going to help you make any more sales or money - unless you do something with the materials! Don't let this be another one of the dozens of other products you've purchased and then never done anything with. These materials will absolutely help you - if you use them!
Anyway, off of my soapbox.
One final comment. Won't you please consider ordering now? The sales of the Copywriting Warrior will also go to help our poor little Fluffy get a much needed teeth cleaning, toenail clip and spleen transplant. I thank you, and Fluffy, if she understood English, had lips to form words and could talk, would thank you, too. (A little humor to close out - another great copywriting technique).
Order now!

I want you to have plenty of time to go through the materials and know that you can indeed become a good copywriter.. That’s why I’m giving you 30 days to go through all of the materials. If you feel you can’t learn how to write fantastic, money making sales copy, or are unhappy for any reason, I’ll refund your investment during the 30 day period.

- YES! Please give me immediate access to the Copywriting Warrior Resource Library Member's Area today for this single super low investment
- YES! Even if I am a complete newbie I know these techniques will work for me as long as I implement the ideas presented
- YES! I want to start applying these tested and proven techniques today and finally learn how to write laser focused, money making sales copy
- YES! I understand there is no risk whatsoever and I should join the Copywriting Warrior Member's Area RIGHT NOW for a very small, ONE-TIME, ONE-OFF investment and if I am not happy for whatever reason, I can request a refund under your 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
- YES! By joining now, I will receive everything shown on this page
- YES! I understand you are breaking the time honored "Marketer's Brotherhood Secret Code" and that there will be NO UPSELL after investing in the Copywriting Warrior Resource Library
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